M2 Climate, land use and ecosystem services (2024)


Objectifs pédagogiques de la formation

Ce parcours vise à donner aux étudiants les bases scientifiques nécessaires à la compréhension et l'évaluation des évolutions des agro et écosystèmes sous l'effet des changements de climats, et des changements des usages des surfaces continentales.
Pour intervenir de manière optimale, ces spécialistes doivent avoir une bonne connaissance i/ des interactions physiques et biologiques entre le climat et la biosphère, ii/ des méthodes d'évaluation des services rendus par les agro et écosystèmes, et iii/ mettre en œuvre et évaluer des leviers d'action pour agir sur l'utilisation des surfaces, dans une perspective de développement durable des territoires et secteurs économiques concernés.
Le caractère pluridisciplinaire de ce master donne des clés pour se saisir des questions touchant aux changements globaux.
A l'issue de cette formation les étudiants auront acquis :
-les bases scientifiques pour comprendre les interactions biosphère-atmosphère
-des savoir-faire sur l'évaluation des services écosystémiques fournis par les (agro) écosystèmes en développement des capacités
-d'analyse et de simulation (statistiques, modélisation, analyse spatiale et temporelle, …) et d'intégration et de synthèse de système complexe (multi acteurs, pluridisciplinaire, à différentes échelles d'espaces et de temps)
-la gestion des projets des territoires
L'originalité de ce parcours est de s'intéresser à l'ensemble des échelles d'espace et de temps pertinentes pour ces questions, et de fournir un cadre holistique pour concevoir et évaluer des stratégies d'adaptation et de mitigation par rapport aux changements globaux.

Lieu(x) d'enseignement


Débouchés de la formation

La formation s'adresse à des étudiants désirant s'orienter vers les métiers de la recherche, de l'enseignement supérieur, de l'expertise et de la recherche-développement dans le domaine de l'environnement à l'échelle locale comme aux échelles nationales et globale.
Les structures ciblées concernent des organismes publics (collectivités locales et territoriales, Agences publiques dans le domaine de l'environnement et de l'eau, organismes de recherche : INRA, CNRS, IRD, IRSTEA, CIRAD, IRSTEA ; Universités et Ecoles d'ingénieurs),et entreprises privées (dans le domaine de l'environnement (services, conseil), de l'industrie, du conseil et du développement agricole et forestier). ,…
Cette formation vise aussi une employabilité dans des organismes internationaux (ONG, FAO, Banque Mondiale,…).


Laboratoire(s) partenaire(s) de la formation

Ecologie fonctionnelle et écotoxicologie des agroécosystèmes
Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - DRF
Centre international de recherche sur l'environnement et le développement
Ecologie Systématique et Evolution
Sciences pour l'Action et le Développement : Activités, Produits, Territoires.

Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique - Institut Pierre Simon Laplace.


Le S1 est constitué d'un tronc commun, réparti en 3 blocs thématiques, et d'une UE à choix.

Matières ECTS Cours TD TP Cours-TD Cours-TP TD-TP A distance Projet Tutorat
Land-use planning and agriculture in peri-urban areas 3 12 12

Land-use planning and agriculture in peri-urban areas

Langues d’enseignement : AN

ECTS : 3

Détail du volume horaire :

Cours : 12

Travaux dirigés : 12

Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :

Coordinateur : Stella Patrick

Déroulement et organisation pratique :

This course aims to provide knowledge concerning the specificities of urban and peri-urban agriculture, by dealing with the following topics: (i) Diversity of forms (e.g., market gardening, Z-farming), (ii) multifunctionality (e.g., food supply, waste recycling, landscape design) and sustainability of urban and peri-urban agriculture, and (iii) Public policies, local governance and regulations for (peri-)urban agriculture conservation and development. The course will be divided in four major parts: (i) Characteristics of urban and peri-urban ecosystems in term of climate and pollution, and their link with plant productivity, (ii) Definition of the urban agriculture and its diversity of forms, (iii) Multifonctionality and ecosystem services provided by urban agriculture, and (iv) Role of public policies and local governance : use conflicts, laws and regulations, planning tools and documents. The course will be performed by lecturers and field visits.

Objectifs pédagogiques visés :

Contenu :

With the increase of world demography and the need to concentrate human activities, urban areas have largely increased since the pre-industrial era, and a large number of megacities (> 10 million inhabitants) exists nowadays. This tendency will rise during the next years, and it is estimated that 1.2 million km² of (pseudo-)natural lands will be converted in urban areas in 2030, conversion that concerns especially arable lands. This decrease of arable lands is not consistent with the increase in food demand. Therefore, strategies must be developed in order to protect existing arable lands in the vicinity of cities (through public policies and local governance strategies) and new forms of agricultural systems have to emerge within the urban areas, accounting for the constraints of urban and peri-urban environments (e.g., climate, pollution, available space, social demand, governance).

Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :

Période(s) :


Lieu(x) :


Understanding and managing soil organic matter for ecosystem services delivery 3 9 6 15

Understanding and managing soil organic matter for ecosystem services delivery

Langues d’enseignement : AN

ECTS : 3

Détail du volume horaire :

Cours : 9

Travaux dirigés : 6

Projet : 15

Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :

Coordinateur :

Equipe pédagogique :

Naoise Nunan (CR CNRS), Cornelia Rumpel (DR CNRS).

Déroulement et organisation pratique :

The course will be divided into four major parts:- Fundamentals of soil organic matter dynamics and stabilization processes in soils. C sequestration in soils. Modeling C and N dynamics.- Contribution of soil organic matter to soil functions and ecosystem services. Indicators and tools for predicting soil organic matter related services. - Managing soil organic matter: land use, cropping systems and practices (tillage, agroforestry, cover crops, organic wastes, irrigation..). - Soil C survey and soil C public policies: measurements tools, databases and monitoring systems; IPCC and national assessments; national and European incentives regarding soils and soil C.The course will comprise lectures as well as practical exercises (a practical modeling session is scheduled). A group exercise is scheduled in which students will assess the impact of a change in management on soil organic matter and ecosystem services, including mitigation of climate change.

Objectifs pédagogiques visés :

Contenu :

Soil organic matter has a pivotal role in soils and terrestrial ecosystem, it is a major component of soil fertility, soil structure and water holding capacity, it is the energy resource of soil organisms and thus sustains biodiversity, buffers contaminants and it is a major reservoir of carbon. It is thus at the crossroads of societal challenges: maintaining food security, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, adapting to climate changes, recycling organic wastes and protecting biodiversity.
This course aims to provide knowledge concerning soil organic matter, its functions and contributions to ecosystem services, its dynamics at different time scales and variations under management practices. It aims to provide tools to survey and manage soil organic matter and to increase C storage in soils.

Prérequis :

Basics in soil science (including biogeochemistry), agronomy, environmental sciences.

Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :

Période(s) :


Lieu(x) :


Matières ECTS Cours TD TP Cours-TD Cours-TP TD-TP A distance Projet Tutorat
Biogeochemical cycles and surface-atmosphere exchanges and interactions : global scale 4 30 15

Biogeochemical cycles and surface-atmosphere exchanges and interactions : global scale

Langues d’enseignement : AN

ECTS : 4

Détail du volume horaire :

Cours : 30

Travaux dirigés : 15

Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :

Coordinateur : Personne Erwan

Objectifs pédagogiques visés :

Contenu :

Know and understand the fundamental exchanges that take place at the land-atmosphere interface.
Know and understand the global cycle for water, carbon, nitrogen, phosphor at global scale, and the variables that influence their cycles.
Know and understand why terrestrial biosphere can influence the composition and circulation of the overlying air masses.

The course will be divided in three major parts :
Fundamentals in the biogeochemical cycles and surface-atmosphere exchanges at global scale (15h)
Directed work concerning the analyses and discussions of results coming from simulations of global change model.
a more research-driven part that will make the best use of the science in progress to illustratewhat we know, what the unknowns are, what and where the uncertainties are, and what remains to be done concerning the biogeochemical cycles and the two ways interactions between biosphere and atmosphere [at global scale] (9h). This part will be done by experts in forms of conferences.

Prérequis :

Atmospheric circulation, plant functioning (ecophysiology).

Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :

Période(s) :

Septembre - Octobre - Novembre - Décembre.

Lieu(x) :


Biosphere-Atmosphere interactions at local scale 3 12 6 12

Biosphere-Atmosphere interactions at local scale

Langues d’enseignement : AN

ECTS : 3

Détail du volume horaire :

Cours : 12

Travaux dirigés : 6

Travaux pratiques : 12

Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :

Coordinateur : Saint-Jean Sébastien

Equipe pédagogique :

Erwan Personne (APT), Patrick Stella (APT), Jean-François Castell (APT) Benjamin Loubet (INRA).

Déroulement et organisation pratique :

Evaluation/assignment Report concerning directed work about Data analysis of plant-Atmosphere Interactions/fluxes - Bibliographic summary - Attendance and participation to the course will also be accounted for the final grading.

Objectifs pédagogiques visés :

Contenu :

Understanding, modelling, measuring the interactions between the biosphere and atmosphere at fine scale (plants, leaf, …scales).
Those interactions are key parameters to understand of the biosphere and (agro) ecosystems functioning, and to as.

Prérequis :

Basic knowledge in bioclimatology and data processing.

Bibliographie :

* Monteith, J.L., 2008. Principles of environmental physics, 3rd ed. ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam?; Boston.* Jones, H.G., 2014. Plants and microclimate: a quantitative approach to environmental plant physiology, Third edition. ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge?; New York.* Guyot, G., 1998. Physics of the environment and climate, Wiley-Praxis series in atmospheric physics and climatology. Wiley, Chichester?; New York.* Garatt, J.R., 1992. The Atmospheric boundary Layer. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :

Période(s) :

Septembre - Octobre.

Lieu(x) :


Climatic system- Introduction to atmospheric dynamics and energetics 3 20 8

Climatic system- Introduction to atmospheric dynamics and energetics

Langues d’enseignement : AN

ECTS : 3

Détail du volume horaire :

Cours : 20

Travaux dirigés : 8

Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :

Coordinateur :

Objectifs pédagogiques visés :

Contenu :

1 – An overview of radiative processes affective global climate. Links with past climates.
2 – From radiative to radiative-convective equilibrium: the role of stratification in climate energetics.
3 – The different scales of atmospheric dynamics: application to cloud generation.
4 – Climate stability and climate feedbacks: the role of small-scale processes.
5 – Conclusion: a first approach of model validity at different prediction ranges.

Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :

Période(s) :

Septembre - Octobre - Novembre - Décembre.

Lieu(x) :


Matières ECTS Cours TD TP Cours-TD Cours-TP TD-TP A distance Projet Tutorat
Agronomy for global issues 3 17 12

Agronomy for global issues

Langues d’enseignement : AN

ECTS : 3

Détail du volume horaire :

Cours : 17

Travaux dirigés : 12

Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :

Coordinateur :

Déroulement et organisation pratique :

During this class, students will get: (i) an overview of relevant methodologies for research in agronomy for global issues with a focus on meta-analysis; (ii) an accurate representation of the major components of the global food system (this will be done through a group work session followed by a poster session with discussions); (iii) some insight into the past trends of some major drivers of the global food system (global crop production, harvested area and yields of major food crops); (iv) knowledge on major production systems worldwide, (v) knowledge about the relationship between organic agriculture and biodiversity, and (v) knowledge about nutrients flows linked to agricultural activities at the global scale. Major open global data sources will be presented, and two of them (FAOSTATS and the Global Yield Gap and Water Productivity Atlas) will be used during tutorial classes to perform some calculations and simple statistics analyses with the R software.

Objectifs pédagogiques visés :

Contenu :

Agronomists, unlike economists or climatologists, have started to work at the global scale recently. Indeed, agronomists have a role to play to address global challenges within the context of a rapid growth of the global population and changing diets, and the need to decrease the environmental footprint of agriculture. In order to present the role that agronomists can play to tackle these global challenges, during this class, lectures and group work will revolve around one central question: “Doubling food production towards 2050?” This central question will be tackled from several viewpoints, highlighting past and current trends in major components and outcomes of the global food system (agricultural production, food loss and waste, food security) and methods used by agronomists to address these global issues.

Prérequis :

Basic knowledge in agronomy and statistics.

Bibliographie :

Cassman K.G. (2012). What do we need to know about global food security? Global Food Security, 1(2), 81-82._x000D_Fischer et al. (2014). Crop yields and global food security: will yield increase continue to feed the world? Canberra: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Available at: http://aciar.gov.au/publication/mn158 _x000D_Godfray H.C. et al. (2010). Food security: the challenge of feeding 9 billion people. Science, 327(5967), 812-818._x000D_Grassini P. et al. (2013). Distinguishing between yield advances and yield plateaus in historical crop production trends

Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :

Période(s) :


Lieu(x) :


Land-use engineering for the provision of climate and environmental services 3 12 3 9

Land-use engineering for the provision of climate and environmental services

Langues d’enseignement : AN

ECTS : 3

Détail du volume horaire :

Cours : 12

Travaux dirigés : 3

Travaux pratiques : 9

Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :

Coordinateur : Gabrielle Benoit

Equipe pédagogique :

Julien Tournebize, INRAeThierry Brunelle, CIRED/CIRADSophie Joimel, AgroParisTech.

Déroulement et organisation pratique :

Lectures in soil sciences, land-use economics, and ecological engineering.Group project on water quality remediation.

Objectifs pédagogiques visés :

Contenu :

- Introduction : conceptual framework to predict land-use and assess land-use change patterns (drivers, pressure, state, response).
- Soil science basics (6 h)
- Ecological engineering: application to the abatement of water pollution from cropland via changes in land management, land-use and the establishment of buffer zones (12h)
- Economic drivers of land-use changes: introduction to the different possible methodologies to simulate land use changes at the global scale: how the demand and production systems are modeled in the main economic models of land-use? What are the key socio-economic drivers of land-use? What are the main sources of uncertainties? Evolution of land-use modelling towards the global scale. Land use modelling in the Integrated Assessment Models (IAM): some examples of integrated modelling will be presented with a focus on the interactions between the biophysical and the socio-economic realms. Global scenarios of land-use: how are they built? What are their main assumptions? What conclusions can be drawn from them?.

Prérequis :

Basics in land-use / climate interactions and agronomy.

Bibliographie :

IPCC reports on climate and land-use (www.ipcc.ch).

Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :

Période(s) :

Novembre - Décembre.

Lieu(x) :


Public policy for climate and environmental regulation 1 18

Public policy for climate and environmental regulation

Langues d’enseignement : AN

ECTS : 1

Détail du volume horaire :

Cours : 18

Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :

Coordinateur : Stella Patrick

Déroulement et organisation pratique :

The course will be divided in four major parts:(i) Introduction to economy of the environment and its application to agricultural activities, in a perspective of GHG emissions (at the scale of the farm), (ii) Evaluation of public policies for reduction of GHG emissions at the continental/world scale, considering several activity sectors (including agriculture and forest) and land use change,(iii) Adaptation of productive ecosystem management (agriculture/forest) to climate change, and links with public policies for climate change mitigation, and(iv) Introduction to the specificities of urban ecosystems in terms of climate and pollution, and strategies for their regulation.

Objectifs pédagogiques visés :

Contenu :

This course aims to provide knowledge on these non-technical subjects for which economical, social and political challenges are particularly developed. In addition, since terrestrial ecosystems (e.g., forests, crops, but also urban ecosystems) are both sinks and sources of greenhouse gases (GHG), they can held mitigation strategies for climate regulation, but have to adapt themselves to climate change.
More precisely, the course aims to: (i) Provide fundamental knowledge on biophysical processes involved in atmosphere-biosphere exchanges, and on the impacts of climate on ecosystem management, (ii) Show how these processes and their management can be included in economical approaches, and in the evaluation of mitigation strategies of climate change (iii) Show some stakeholder strategies in regards to these challenges and politics (biofuel, adaptation of forest and agricultural practices), and (iv) Show the role of the scientific community in public policies.

Prérequis :

Basics in biosphere-atmosphere exchanges (environmental physics, plant ecophysiology).

Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :

Période(s) :

Octobre - Novembre - Décembre.

Lieu(x) :


Matières ECTS Cours TD TP Cours-TD Cours-TP TD-TP A distance Projet Tutorat
Ecology under climate change 3 18 12

Ecology under climate change

Langues d’enseignement : AN

ECTS : 3

Détail du volume horaire :

Cours : 18

Travaux dirigés : 12

Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :

Coordinateur : Niboyet Audrey

Déroulement et organisation pratique :

Creation of a course on a specific topic.Attendance and participation to the course will also be accounted for the final grading.

Objectifs pédagogiques visés :

Contenu :

The module aims to understand how climate change could affect the functioning of ecosystems and in particular ecosystem services

. Several aspects of this problem will be developed in this module :
-introduction / reminders in ecology
-relation diversity-functioning of ecosystems (3h),
- biogeochemical cycles and global changes (6h),
- structure and vegetation dynamics (3h)
- the major terrestrial biomes impacted by global changes (3h)
- interactions biosphere-atmosphere (6h).

Bibliographie :

Ecology, by Begon Harper Townsend for example.

Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :

Période(s) :

Septembre - Octobre - Novembre.

Lieu(x) :


Everyone Eating Well within Environmental Limits 3 21 6

Everyone Eating Well within Environmental Limits

Langues d’enseignement : AN

ECTS : 3

Détail du volume horaire :

Cours : 21

Travaux dirigés : 6

Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :

Coordinateur : Vidal Alain

Equipe pédagogique :

Supervision: Alain Vidal, PhD, HDR, WBCSD and IUCN

Educational teamGéraldine Abrami, PhD, IR, UMR G-EAU, Irstea, MontpellierAna Nicod, MSc, Nestlé, Vevey (Switzerland)Fabrice de Clerck, PhD, Scientific Director, EAT, Stockholm (Sweden)Aline Mosnier, PhD, Scientific Director, FABLE, UN-SDSN, Montpellier.

Déroulement et organisation pratique :

Fundamentals on natural resources (planetary boundaries) (6h), food and nutrition security (6h) and interactions (3h) – 12h negotiation games to dive deeper into interactions between natural resources, food and nutrition security and poverty, based on real cases from the developing world : 6h of preparatory work, 6h of interactive games. Examples from cutting-egde research on sustainable intensification and climate-smart agriculture (6h)

21 hours of lecture and 6 hours of tutorialVideo-conferences are utilized for the overseas lecturers.

Objectifs pédagogiques visés :

Contenu :


To know and understand the global status of natural resources (planetary boundaries), food and nutrition security and poverty. To know and understand how natural resources interact with and sustain food and nutrition security. To know and understand the pathways to sustainable / ecological intensification and climate-smart agriculture.


Fundamentals on natural resources (planetary boundaries) (6h), food and nutrition security (6h) and interactions (3h) – 15h
Negotiation games to dive deeper into interactions between natural resources, food and nutrition security and poverty, based on real cases from the developing world : 3h of preparatory personalwork, 6h of interactive games.
Examples from cutting-egde research on sustainable intensification and climate-smart agriculture (6h).

Prérequis :

Global agronomy course (Clues)Land use and ecosystem services course (Clues).

Bibliographie :

H. C. J. Godfray, J. R. Beddington, I. R. Crute, L. Haddad, D. Lawrence, et al., 2010. Food Security: The Challenge of Feeding 9 Billion People, Science 327, 812–818. J. Rockström, W. Steffen, K. Noone, Å. Persson, 2009. Planetary boundaries: Exploring the safe operating space for humanity, Ecol. Soc. 14, 32.

Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :

Période(s) :


Lieu(x) :


Integrated assessment of ecosystem services and sustainability 4 12 6 9 12 1.5

Integrated assessment of ecosystem services and sustainability

Langues d’enseignement : AN

ECTS : 4

Détail du volume horaire :

Cours : 12

Travaux dirigés : 6

Cours TD : 9

Cours TP : 12

Cours à distance : 1.5

Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :

Coordinateur : Gabrielle Benoit

Equipe pédagogique :

Philippe Baveye, AgroParisTech; Matéo Cordier, UVSQ; Pauline Choquet & Victor Moinard, INRAE (EcoSys); Francesco Accatino (SAD APT, INRAE); Vincent Martinet (EcoPub, INRAE); Catherine Gomy, CG Conseil, consultante.

Déroulement et organisation pratique :

Introduction: conceptual frameworks to assess land-use and management Ecosystem services: insight from France to European-scale assessments(Francesco Accatino, 3h of lecture); topical questions on the concept of ecosystem services, and current challenges (Philippe Baveye, AgroParisTech; 3h lecture). Economic valuation of services (Vincent Martinet, INRAe; 3h lecture).Practical work on the monitoring of ecosystem services in the context of agricuture on the Saclay Plateau (Paris area; 6h). Landscape or 'territorial' metabolism: an industrial ecology approach underpinned by economic input-output analysis and material flow (Mateo Cordier, UVSQ, 12 h lecture + practical on a case-study). Life-cycle thinking and approaches to integrated environmental assessment: rationale and current use in the conctext of environmental management at product or organization level.

Objectifs pédagogiques visés :

Contenu :

Land use and management serve multiple purposes and generate a host of impacts, whether negative or positive on the environment. Approaches that integrate across all of these aspects are necessary when it comes of evaluating and designing management strategies that align best with the imperative of sustainable development.
The course aims at raising students' awareness of three complementary approaches applicable to the management of ecosystems and of bio-based industry in general: the ecosystem services framework, and metabolism and life-cycle approaches. Course attendants will get to grips with the principles of these approaches, gain insight from their application to agricultural systems and bio-based value-chains, and gain practical know-how on how to apply them in 3 different case-studies.
They will become familiar with environmental management, the ISO 14 000 standards and the principles of their implementation in various decision-making contexts to improve the environmental performance of production systems or organizations.
The course will equip students with the tools and methods currently used in this process for the environmental assessment of products and services, and their eco-design.

Prérequis :

Basic knowledge (at Bachelor's level) in ecology, biogeochemistry and agronomy.

Bibliographie :

Provided on the e-learning platform of course.

Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :

Période(s) :

Octobre - Novembre - Décembre.

Lieu(x) :


Le S2 est constitué de 2 UE de tronc commun (non compensables), et d'un stage.

Matières ECTS Cours TD TP Cours-TD Cours-TP TD-TP A distance Projet Tutorat
Integrative project 4 6 12 30

Integrative project

Langues d’enseignement : AN

ECTS : 4

Détail du volume horaire :

Cours : 6

Travaux dirigés : 12

Projet : 30

Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :

Coordinateur : Saint-Jean Sébastien

Equipe pédagogique :

Erwan Personne (APT), Benoît Gabrielle (APT) Sébastien Saint-Jean (APT).

Déroulement et organisation pratique :


-Team work-Oral defense and written report.-Communication in English-Attendance and participation to the course will also be accounted for the final grading.

Objectifs pédagogiques visés :

Contenu :

The integrative project is intended to give the students the opportunities to work in team on concrete project and to learn how to communicate in English (oral and written) around their project and being able to formalize a scientific/technical question.

Students will work in team on a project in relation to environmental and sustainable development issues. Such Projects could be either bibliographic review, either a proposal of answer to a specific call projects, or building a “Plan climat” for a public administration. Based on the project, courses on scientific communication oral and written (executive summary, abstract, pitch a project, …) will be provided.

Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :

Période(s) :

Septembre - Octobre - Novembre - Décembre - Janvier - Février.

Lieu(x) :


Matières ECTS Cours TD TP Cours-TD Cours-TP TD-TP A distance Projet Tutorat
Modelling concepts and applications 3 3 10 3 30

Modelling concepts and applications

Langues d’enseignement : AN

ECTS : 3

Détail du volume horaire :

Cours : 3

Travaux dirigés : 10

Travaux pratiques : 3

Projet : 30

Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :

Coordinateur : Saint-Jean Sébastien

Equipe pédagogique :

Erwan Personne (ATP) et Sébastien Saint-Jean (APT).

Déroulement et organisation pratique :

Draft of a code to solve a scientific problem, design and scheme of algorithmAttendance and participation to the course will also be accounted for the final grading.

Objectifs pédagogiques visés :

Contenu :

The course aims to put students in a position to formalize a scientific problem, to design a system, and provide an algorithm to solve it and implementing it into computer language.

Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :

Période(s) :

Octobre - Novembre - Décembre - Janvier - Février.

Lieu(x) :


Matières ECTS Cours TD TP Cours-TD Cours-TP TD-TP A distance Projet Tutorat
Stage 23


ECTS : 23

Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :

Coordinateur : Personne Erwan

Déroulement et organisation pratique :

The internship topic is chosen by the student in accordance with the study board. International Internships will be strongly encouraged. During the internship, students will be asked to proceed to regular point with the study board.

Internship can be conducted in the laboratories of the Master such as EcoSys Joint Research Unit (INRA/AgroParisTech),Agronomy Joint Research Unit (INRA/AgroParisTech),Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat de l’Environnement (LSCE ; UVSQ/ CNRS/CEA) CIRED (CIRAD/CNRS/AgroParisTech)

Also, students will be encouraged to find themselves their internships in such domains: agriculture, the agro-food industry, audit and consultancy firms in relation to environmental and sustainable development issues.Public administrations (municipalities, regional authorities, national governments) are also a possible target, as are international organizations (FAO, the World Bank, or international research bodies such as the Agricultural Research Partnership CGIAR).

Objectifs pédagogiques visés :

Contenu :

Internships are aimed to put students in professional settings.
Objectives are to apply and strengthen scientific and technics skills in a professional environment and develop interpersonal skills.

This internship and the Master's thesis is for the students to identify and clarify a problem or an issue by applying the theories and methods acquired through their undergraduate and graduate studies.
The Thesis and his oral defence must follow the formal thesis requirements and follow scientific standards and be written in a clear and grammatically correct manner.

Prérequis :

Defence and Master’s Thesis in English. Internship can be completed in any language.

Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :

Période(s) :

Aout - Septembre - Février - Mars - Avril - Mai - Juin - Juillet.

Maquette de la formation

Maquette de la formation - ( 12.57 Ko)

Modalités de candidatures

Période(s) de candidatures pour la plateforme INCEPTION

Du 01/02/2024 au 30/06/2024

Pièces justificatives obligatoires pour la plateforme INCEPTION

  • Classem*nt Année Précedente et taille promotion.

  • Lettre de motivation.

  • Liste des autres masters demandés (hors Saclay).

  • Projet professionnel.

  • Tous les relevés de notes des années/semestres validés depuis le BAC à la date de la candidature.

  • Attestation de niveau d'anglais.

    (TOIEC/TOEFL or IELTS scores are not mandatory (you can upload any relevant document instead).Example of grade : B2 : IELTS score 5.5/6.5 ; TOEIC > 785 (C1>945) ; TOEFL IBT score 72/94 ; Cambridge FCE A or B grade)

  • Curriculum Vitae.

Pièces justificatives facultatives pour la plateforme INCEPTION

  • Coordonnées référents (obligatoire pour les candidats non internationaux).

  • Lettre de recommandation d'un maÎtre de stage.

  • Attestation de français (obligatoire pour les non francophones).

    (Niveau B1 : étudiants non-francophones, attestation délivrée par les services de l'Ambassade de France ou par un organisme de formation linguistique français; les étudiants ayant validé un diplôme en langue française sont dispensés de cette attestation)

  • Descriptif détaillé et volume horaire des enseignements suivis depuis le début du cursus universitaire.

  • Dossier VAPP (obligatoire pour toutes les personnes demandant une validation des acquis pour accéder à la formation) https://www.universite-paris-saclay.fr/formation/formation-continue/validation-des-acquis-de-lexperience.

  • Fiche de choix de M2 (obligatoire pour les candidats inscrits en M1 à l'Université Paris-Saclay) à télécharger sur https://urlz.fr/i3Lo.

  • Document justificatif des candidats exilés ayant un statut de réfugié, protection subsidiaire ou protection temporaire en France ou à l’étranger (facultatif mais recommandé, un seul document à fournir) :
    - Carte de séjour mention réfugié du pays du premier asile
    - OU récépissé mention réfugié du pays du premier asile
    - OU document du Haut Commissariat des Nations unies pour les réfugiés reconnaissant le statut de réfugié
    - OU récépissé mention réfugié délivré en France
    - OU carte de séjour avec mention réfugié délivré en France
    - OU document faisant état du statut de bénéficiaire de la protection subsidiaire en France ou à l’étranger.


Responsable(s) de la formation

Benoît GABRIELLE - benoit.gabrielle@agroparistech.fr

Erwan PERSONNE - erwan.personne@agroparistech.fr

Sebastien Saint-Jean - sebastien.saint-jean@agroparistech.fr

M2 Climate, land use and ecosystem services (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.