Necromancy training (2024)


  • 1 Useful equipment
    • 1.1 Generic experience boosts
  • 2 Summary
  • 3 Starting off
  • 4 Combat setup
    • 4.1 Weapons
    • 4.2 Armour
      • 4.2.1 Hybrid power armour
      • 4.2.2 Levels 1–60
      • 4.2.3 Levels above 70
    • 4.3 Other slots
    • 4.4 Revolution ability bar
    • 4.5 Prayers
    • 4.6 Miscellaneous
  • 5 Combat training
    • 5.1 Levels 1–30
    • 5.2 Levels 30–40
    • 5.3 Levels 40–50
    • 5.4 Levels 50–60
    • 5.5 Levels 60–70
    • 5.6 Levels 70–80
    • 5.7 Levels 80–90
    • 5.8 Levels 90–120
  • 6 High-level rituals (levels 90–120)
    • 6.1 Ritual disturbance mechanics
    • 6.2 Ritual training tips
    • 6.3 Levels 90–99
    • 6.4 Levels 99–120
  • 7 Alternative methods of gaining experience
    • 7.1 Quests that give Necromancy experience
  • 8 References
Necromancy training (1)

This guide lists the most effective methods to train Necromancy, RuneScape's 29th skill, from levels 1 to 120. Necromancy is the game's fourth combat style and sits outside of the the combat triangle, being equally effective against all three styles. Acquiring experience for the skill can be gained through combat or its dedicated skilling activity: rituals. Typically, players must train Necromancy using a combination of combat and rituals. This guide provides the recommended training methods for both combat and rituals, detailing what gear to use, which monsters to fight, and which rituals to perform and with which glyphs.

Free-to-play players can only train Necromancy up to level 20, whilst members can reach level 120. Since level 20 Necromancy is very easy to attain, this guide is targeted to members.

Useful equipment[edit | edit source]

Necromancy training (2) Necromancy training (3)
Necromancy training (4) Necromancy training (5)
Underworld Grimoire+3 to 12% XP from disturbancesNecromancy training (6)Increases experience gained from completing ritual disturbances by 3%, 6%, 9%, or 12% with the Underworld Grimoire 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively.Underworld achievements
Necromancy training (7)Alteration necklaceImprove alteration glyphs power by 20%Necromancy training (8)Increases the power of alteration glyphs by 20% multiplicatively during rituals (e.g. Attraction III's 150% soul attraction increase becomes 180% instead). Increased soul attraction means more frequent and higher level disturbances, which in turn increases experience earned from rituals.None
Necromancy training (9) Necromancy training (10)Pumpkin masksPrevent light sources degradationNecromancy training (11)The pumpkin mask prevents light sources placed on tier 1 and 2 light source spots from degrading during rituals. The ensouled mask prevents all light sources from degrading.None
Necromancy training (12) Necromancy training (13)Necromancy capeProvide the effect of an alteration glyphNecromancy training (14)Provides the effect of an alteration glyph during rituals. The glyph can be changed at will, but boosts cannot be used to select a glyph above the player's base level.99 Necromancy training (15)

Generic experience boosts[edit | edit source]

Most experience-boosting effects that apply to all skills also apply to Necromancy. This includes but is not limited to the following buffs:

ItemMax XP increaseDescription
Necromancy training (16)Clan Avatar XP boost+6%Grants a 3-6% experience boost after activating the skilling bonus at the Avatar Control Stone in a Clan Citadel.
Necromancy training (17)Torstol incense sticks+2%Each potency level of torstol incense sticks provides a 0.5% experience boost. The potency level increases every 10 minutes, reaching its maximum at level 4 (+2% experience). Overloading consumes 6 sticks, instantly reaching maximum potency.
Necromancy training (18)Wise perk+4%Grants a 1-4% experience boost (based on perk rank) while wearing or wielding an item augmented with this perk, up to 50,000 additional experience per day.
Necromancy training (19) Necromancy training (20)
Necromancy training (21)
Wisdom auras+2.5%Grants a 2.5% experience boost for 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the aura's tier.
Necromancy training (22)Necromancy training (23)
Necromancy training (24)Necromancy training (25)
Inspire relic powers+2%When harnessed, 2% extra experience is earned when training skills relevant to the specific Inspire relic.
Necromancy training (26)Advanced pulse core+50%/+10%Grants a 50% experience boost, exploding after experience equal to a medium prismatic lamp has been accumulated. After exploding, it provides a 2% (stacking up to 5 times for up to 10%) experience boost for 10 minutes.
Necromancy training (27)Sceptre of enchantment+4%Using a charge grants the wielder a 4% experience boost for 24 hours. Nearby players receive a 2% experience boost for 2 hours.
Necromancy training (28)Coin of enchantment+2%Using a charge grants the wielder a 2% experience boost for 24 hours. Nearby players receive a 1% experience boost for 2 hours.
Necromancy training (29)Rock of Resilience+4%Using a charge grants the user a 4% experience boost for 60 minutes. Nearby players receive a 2% experience instead.
Necromancy training (30)Premier artefact+10%Once per day, the premier artefact can be activated to gain a 10% experience boost for 60 minutes.
Necromancy training (31)Desert pantheon aura+10%The Wisdom of Scabaras effect of the Desert pantheon aura gives a 10% experience boost for 1 hour at the cost of 200 charges.

Summary[edit | edit source]

The following table summarises the optimal experience methods for Necromancy. While levelling to max, players will have to frequently switch between combat, rituals, and quests as new gear and abilities are available to be unlocked.

When training via combat, undead are suggested for most tasks, because of various damage-boosting effects against them. At every 10th level, players should always complete Kili's task and craft the highest tier Death Skull equipment that are available to them.

1–5Complete the Necromancy! questStart next to Draynor lodestone
5–26Lesser communion ritual using fragile mementoAcquire 400 souls, which are required for tier 3 talents
26–27Kili Row and Rune MythosBoth mandatory quests; only the latter yields experience
27–90CombatUpgrade equipment every 10th level, except for T80 armour. Complete ensoul and communion rituals as needed to unlock talents and upgrade your equipment
90–120RitualsFastest training method; active. Maximise soul attraction on powerful rituals for maximum XP
CombatSlower training method; AFK.

Starting off[edit | edit source]

Necromancy training (32)

To begin training Necromancy, you must first complete the Necromancy! quest, which explains the lore and basic mechanics of the skill. You can start this quest by attempting to enter the glowing blue portal by the Draynor lodestone.

For the next step, you will need 50 fragile mementos. These can be purchased from the Grand Exchange for 2,314 coins each; 115,700 coins in total. Now, head to the ritual site at the west of the City of Um. Go to the platform south of the pedestal and light source spot. Here, you should do rituals to increase the number of souls in the Well of Souls, which allows you to unlock various Talents that grant powerful combat abilities to help you train faster. You should use the fragile mementos to perform lesser communion rituals. After doing 50 lesser communion rituals, you will have 400 souls, which is one requirement to access tier 3 of the Talent tree. You will not have enough talent points to purchase all the talents and you will earn talent points soon through combat.

Ritual disturbances can sometimes appear, which show up along with a pop-up text box. The experience granted by disturbances scales with Necromancy level and is low at first, but quickly increases as you level up.

After reaching level 26, it is the best time to finish two quests: Kili Row and Rune Mythos. Both of these quests give essential unlocks for the Necromancy skill: Kili Row allows upgrading Necromancy equipment, and Rune Mythos unlocks incantations. Completing the quests will yield another 1,500 experience, putting you at level 27.

Finally, complete two lesser ensoul material rituals to create two lesser ensouled bars and upgrade death guard and skull lantern to tier 20, if you have level 15 Smithing.

Combat setup[edit | edit source]

Unlike other combat skills, the damage output that players have while using Necromancy weapons and abilities scales based on the player's hit chance. Attacks will not miss targets when the player has over 25% hit chance, but how hard the target is hit depends on the player's accuracy.

Weapons[edit | edit source]

Only dual-wielding exists for Necromancy, via a main-hand siphon and an off-hand conduit. A death guard and a skull lantern are obtained as a reward from the introductory Necromancy! quest, and can be upgraded from tier 10 up to tier 90 as the skill is progressed after completing Kili Row.

The highest tier of death guard and skull lantern should always be used. When levelling up to a new 10th level, the player should always complete Kili's task and upgrade their weapons.

Armour[edit | edit source]

Hybrid power armour[edit | edit source]

Certain hybrid armour items are available which can be equipped by players at level 1 Necromancy:

ItemNecromancy training (33) BonusTierNotesPrice
Necromancy training (34)Deathtouch bracelet14.5T93Any reflect damage from deathtouch bracelet gloves (or other sources or reflect/deflect) does not count for Necromancy experience.61,981,792
Necromancy training (35)Cinderbane gloves11.0T70Any poison damage from cinderbane gloves (or other sources) does not count for Necromancy experience.78,607,065
Necromancy training (36)Culinaromancer's gloves 108.5T61A cheaper non-degradable pair of power gloves available after full completion of Recipe for Disaster; lower tiers are available with partial completion.100,000
Necromancy training (37)Silverhawk boots6.9T44Silverhawk boots are available in multiple combat tiers; level 60 boots gives the highest bonus.Free

Levels 1–60[edit | edit source]

At lower levels (1–60 Necromancy), players should train using hybrid tank armour, such as the Dragon Rider armour, which provides a T55 armour rating and costs 3,069,366 coins for the head, body, and legs. A slightly more expensive augmentable alternative is Akrisae the Doomed's equipment, which provides a T55 armour rating and costs 3,446,830 coins for the three pieces. A more expensive augmentable alternative is the Anima core of Sliske armour, costing 122,681,358 coins for the three pieces and providing a T65 armour rating. Players who own it should use a mighty or corrupted slayer helmet, which offer a tier 70 Defence rating.

After reaching level 60, players should train with Necromancy armour. Deathwarden robe armour are tier 10 Necromancy robes that can be purchased from Buried Bargains. Similar to the weapons, the robes can be upgraded up to tier 90, with an upgrade available every 10 levels. Each upgrade must be crafted by players before they can be equipped; they cannot simply be purchased from the Grand Exchange. Upon reaching level 60 the player can craft the deathwarden nexus, which acts similarly to a rune pouch. The nexus can hold a maximum stack (2,147,483,647) of each necrotic rune and ectoplasm.

LevelSuggested armourNotesDefence TierPrice
Necromancy training (38)Necromancy training (39)Necromancy training (40)Full[n 1]
1-60Necromancy training (41)Ghost hunter equipmentGhost hunter equipment is free but hard to obtain. It only works on monsters that give Prayer experience through an ectoplasmator, though these monsters are heavily featured in this guide for lower levels.550N/A
Necromancy training (42)Dragon Rider armourDragon rider armour is cheap and has relatively low Defence rating.553,069,3663,120,224
Necromancy training (43)Akrisae the Doomed's equipmentAkrisae's equipment is also cheap, has low Defence rating, and is augmentable, but requires completion of Ritual of the Mahjarrat.553,446,830N/A
Necromancy training (44)Anima core of Sliske armourAnima Core of Sliske is expensive, has higher Defence rating, and is augmentable, but is also able to mimic a set effect of warpriest armour.65122,681,358N/A
Necromancy training (45)Mighty slayer helmetRequires 55 Crafting, completion of Smoking Kills, and a total of Necromancy training (46)1,100 Slayer points for the highest armour tier Slayer helmet. Has very high Defence rating.851,119,904[n 2]
Necromancy training (47)1,100
60-70Necromancy training (48)Deathwarden robe armour (T60)Must be crafted before can be worn.60757,3751,269,396
Necromancy training (49)Akrisae the Doomed's equipmentSame as above
Necromancy training (50)Anima core of Sliske armourSame as above
Necromancy training (51)Mighty slayer helmetSame as above
  1. ^ Includes hands and feet as well.
  2. ^ Includes only head slot.

Levels above 70[edit | edit source]

At level 70, players may choose between two different task sets to upgrade their equipment from Kili, resulting in either tank or power armour. Either task set will allow the weapons to be upgraded to tier 70. If players remain on the tank route, their Deathwarden robe armour will now provide a small chance to dodge incoming attacks for each piece worn. Apart from having the pie and souls, players will also need to kill various bosses, albeit easy ones. Tier 70 Deathwarden robe armour provides more health and better survivability at the cost of less damage.

If players choose the power route, they will craft Deathdealer robe armour instead. In addition to increasing outgoing Necromancy damage, tier 70 Deathdealer robe armour provides a small chance per piece to apply Death Mark on every Necromancy attack. The Death Mark debuff instantly kills the affected enemy if they fall below 20% of their max health or 30,000 total health, whichever is lower. However, the power route is harder than the tank route; while no pies or souls are needed, players must kill much stronger bosses. In addition, creating Deathdealer robe armour requires the player to acquire hermodic plates from Hermod, which are dropped at a 1/10 rate. 30 total hermodic plates are required for the tier 90 set.

Bossing requirements can be either completed in a solo or group encounter if available. In a solo encounter, the player has to deal the majority of their damage as Necromancy. In a group encounter, dealing any amount of damage with Necromancy will satisfy the requirement, even if other players use other combat styles or other options such as deathtouched darts.

It is recommended to eventually create both sets of armour (unless the player already owns the First Necromancer set), however the second set can be created at a later time. If not planning on rushing bossing or the tier 80/90 gear right away, players should craft the power armour set first, otherwise they should craft the tank set first. It is important to note, however, that the tank set is easier to craft than the power set, and it will provide access to tier 80/90 weapons which can then be used to complete the power tasks more easily.

Players should not upgrade their armour to tier 80 until they reach level 90 Necromancy. Tier 80 and 90 armour variants require greater ensouled cloth and greater ensouled thread which is created from expensive subjugation robe armour and algarum thread. Once the full ritual site is unlocked at level 90, players can boost to draw five Multiply III glyphs for a +300% output bonus. Each ritual will yield four materials, saving players a massive amount of money in the process.

Players who wish to train to level 99 using rituals can be even more conservative. With the Necromancy cape perk, players can draw six Multiply III and put Multiply II onto the cape. This results in a +400% output bonus and five materials per ritual.

If crafting the tank armour, 19 cloth and 15 thread are required; for the power armour, 20 cloth and 15 thread is needed (the tier 90 power task requires one). In total, you will need 39 cloth and 30 thread. If performing rituals at level 90, you will need 10 pieces of subjugation armour and 8 pieces of algarum thread. If performing rituals at level 99, you will need 8 pieces of subjugation armour and 6 pieces of algarum thread.

TierWalkthroughTask list
Tank armourPower armour

Necromancy training (52) Kili's Knowledge V (tank)
Necromancy training (53) Kili's Knowledge V (power)

Necromancy training (54)Fish pie
Necromancy training (55)United Barrows necroplasm (The Barrows Brothers)[n 1]
Necromancy training (56) 100 dragon souls or 20 greater communion rituals

Necromancy training (57) 5 hideous moleskin (Giant mole)
Necromancy training (58) 5 royal chitin (Kalphite Queen)


Necromancy training (59) Kili's Knowledge VI (tank)
Necromancy training (60) Kili's Knowledge VI (power)

Necromancy training (61)Redberry pie
Necromancy training (62)Spiritbound hammer (charged) (Graardor, Kree'arra, K'ril Tsutsaroth, and Zilyana)[n 2]
Necromancy training (63) 150 Slayer assignment souls or 30 greater communion rituals

Necromancy training (64) 5 Zaryte fragments (Nex)[n 3]
Necromancy training (65) 5 tortured soul essence (Queen Black Dragon)


Necromancy training (66) Kili's Knowledge VII (tank)
Necromancy training (67) Kili's Knowledge VII (power)

Necromancy training (68)Blueberry pie
Necromancy training (69) 10 powered necromantic seal of the Cywir (Helwyr)
Necromancy training (70) 10 powered necromantic seal of the Dragon Riders (Vindicta and Gorvek)
Necromancy training (71) 10 powered necromantic seal of the Faceless (Gregorovic)
Necromancy training (72) 10 powered necromantic seal of the Furies (The Twin Furies)
Necromancy training (73)Pulsating onyx (TzTok-Jad)[n 4]
Necromancy training (74) 1 soul from completing a Soul Reaper task or 50 powerful communion rituals

Necromancy training (75)Fragment of anima (Vorago, Telos, or Solak)[n 5]
Necromancy training (76)Ulthven necroplasm (The Ambassador)[n 6]
Necromancy training (77)Venomous greater ensouled cloth (Araxxi)

  1. ^ Only the original six brothers are needed. You will need to backtrack for the brother that leads to the tunnels, then loot the chest once all six individual necroplasms are obtained. You may need your upgrade equipment task list in your backpack when looting the chest for all the necroplasm to be combined.
  2. ^ Kill each boss then use the uncharged hammer on their respective altars.
  3. ^ Highly recommended to kill in a group encounter
  4. '^ Must be TzTok-Jad, fought at the last wave of the TzHaar Fight Cave.
  5. ^ Highly recommended to kill Telos, as it is the fastest of the three bosses.
  6. ^ Highly recommended that the dungeon be cleared in a group encounter; combat style used is irrelevant until final boss. In group encounter, deal damage with necromancy and let other team members kill boss)

Other slots[edit | edit source]

There are several items which can help with training Necromancy on groups of enemies. Many of these items have a Necromancy bonus stat:

SlotItem (most effective → least effective)
Necromancy training (78)Necromancy training (79)Essence of Finality amuletNecromancy training (80)Reaper necklaceNecromancy training (81)Amulet of soulsNecromancy training (82)Conjurer's raising amuletNecromancy training (83)Blood amulet of fury
Necromancy training (84)Necromancy training (85)Igneous Kal-Zuk
Necromancy training (86)Igneous Kal-Mor
Necromancy training (87)TokHaar-Kal-MorNecromancy training (88)Capes of Accomplishment
Necromancy training (89)Ardougne cloak 4
Necromancy training (90)Soul cape
Necromancy training (91)Spirit cape
Necromancy training (92)Cape of legends
Necromancy training (93)Obsidian cape
Necromancy training (94)Necromancy training (95)Grasping rune pouch[n 1]
Necromancy training (96)Tirannwn quiver 4[n 1]
Necromancy training (97)Pernix's quiver[n 1]
Necromancy training (98)Tirannwn quiver 3[n 1]Necromancy training (99)Tirannwn quiver 2[n 1]Necromancy training (100)Tirannwn quiver 1[n 1]Necromancy training (101)Zemouregal's nexus[n 2]
Necromancy training (102)Deathwarden nexus
Necromancy training (103)Necromancy training (104)Ring of death[n 3]Necromancy training (105)Reaver's ringNecromancy training (106)Asylum surgeon's ringNecromancy training (107)Sixth-Age circuitNecromancy training (108)Luck of the Dwarves
Necromancy training (109)Necromancy training (110)MahjarratNecromancy training (111)InspirationNecromancy training (112)Supreme invigorateNecromancy training (113)Dark magicNecromancy training (114)Vampyrism
Necromancy training (115)Necromancy training (116)Scripture of WenNecromancy training (117)Scripture of Ful
Necromancy training (118)Erethdor's grimoire
Necromancy training (119)Zamorak's Book of ChaosNecromancy training (120)Scripture of JasNecromancy training (121)Underworld Grimoire 2
  1. ^ a b c d e f The ammo items do not have necromancy bonus; the first three have prayer bonus of 4. Lower level Tirannwn quivers 3-1 have lower prayer bonus 3-1.
  2. ^ Zemouregal's nexus gives a +15 level boost to Bone Shields after being worn for 9s.
  3. ^ Ring of Death is best-in-slot due to its adrenaline-generating passive

The following equipment can be situationally useful:

Necromancy training (122)Salve amulet (e)Provides a 20% damage and accuracy increase against Undead
Necromancy training (123)Demon slayer equipmentPer pieces, provides a 2% experience boost and 4% damage boost against Demons
Necromancy training (124)Demon horn necklaceRestores prayer points when burying bones or scattering ashes, which can rapidly restore prayer points in combination with the bonecrusher or attuned ectoplasmator
Necromancy training (125)Penance auraRestores prayer points upon taking damage

Revolution ability bar[edit | edit source]

Use the following ability bars for Revolution against multiple enemies. You should toggle threshold and ultimate abilities to be triggered automatically (Revolution++):

  • Necromancy training (126)
  • Necromancy training (127)
  • Necromancy training (128)
  • Necromancy training (129)
  • Necromancy training (130)
Action bar before the last Spectral Scythe talent is unlocked
  • Necromancy training (131)
  • Necromancy training (132)
  • Necromancy training (133)
  • Necromancy training (134)
Alternative without Conjure Zombie
  • Necromancy training (135)
  • Necromancy training (136)
  • Necromancy training (137)
  • Necromancy training (138)
  • Necromancy training (139)
If more healing is desired.
  • Necromancy training (140)
  • Necromancy training (141)
  • Necromancy training (142)
  • Necromancy training (143)
  • Necromancy training (144)
With igneous Kal-Mor.
  • Necromancy training (145)
  • Necromancy training (146)
  • Necromancy training (147)
With omni guard.
  • Necromancy training (148)
  • Necromancy training (149)
  • Necromancy training (150)
  • Necromancy training (151)
With igneous Kal-Mor and omni guard.

Prayers[edit | edit source]

Standard prayers feature prayers that boost Necromancy Attack (Hand of Judgement, Hand of Fate, Hand of Doom) and Strength (Decay, Hastened Decay, Accelerated Decay). They can be unlocked through Selene.

Ancient Curses have Sap Necromancy Strength, Leech Necromancy Strength, and other curses that boost Necromancy damage, and can also be unlocked through Selene.

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

Weapon poison does not contribute to Necromancy experience. For example, if a monster has 10,000 life points, and a player kills it using only Necromancy while using weapon poison that deals 1,000 life points worth of damage, then (an estimated) only 450 Necromancy experience is gained. Thus, weapon poison is a waste for the purposes of experience. Cinderbane gloves may be used for the power bonus, but their poison will also not contribute to Necromancy experience.

Using a dwarf multicannon, Oldak coil, or kinetic cyclone will also not contribute to Necromancy experience.

Combat training[edit | edit source]

Combat experience is proportional to the monster's life points. The following methods are recommended, mostly comprising undead and demons:

Levels 1–30[edit | edit source]

Make sure to have completed Kili Row, and craft a tier 20 death guard and skull lantern.

MonsterLocationNecromancy training (152)LevelNecromancy training (153)Life pointsNecromancy training (154)ExperienceNotes
Necromancy training (155)
Ghostly troll bruiser
Ghostly troll thrower

City of Um troll cave

71,80090 Necromancy training (156) 29.7 Necromancy training (157)

Levels 30–40[edit | edit source]

At level 30, you can complete the Kili's Knowledge I task to craft a tier 30 death guard and skull lantern, requiring 2 total lesser ensouled bars.

MonsterLocationNecromancy training (159)LevelNecromancy training (160)Life pointsNecromancy training (161)ExperienceNotes
Necromancy training (162)
Ghostly troll bruiser
Ghostly troll thrower

City of Um troll cave

71,80090 Necromancy training (163) 29.7 Necromancy training (164)
Necromancy training (166)
Fetid zombie

Wilderness north of Fort Forinthry

665,500250 Necromancy training (167) 82.5 Necromancy training (168)

Levels 40–50[edit | edit source]

At level 40, you can complete the Kili's Knowledge II task to craft a tier 40 death guard and skull lantern, requiring 4 total lesser ensouled bars. You can unlock the Threads of Fate incantation from the Well of Souls. Threads of Fate can be very helpful for levelling due to its effectiveness in AoE combat, but using it requires an active playstyle and is not particularly beneficial for the rune cost while training.

You can also unlock Conjure Vengeful Ghost and Conjure Putrid Zombie abilities from the Well of Souls. However, you can only control one conjure at a time until level 52 Necromancy.

MonsterLocationNecromancy training (170)LevelNecromancy training (171)Life pointsNecromancy training (172)ExperienceNotes
Necromancy training (173)

Stronghold of Security 4th level

607,250362.5 Necromancy training (174) 119.6 Necromancy training (175)
Necromancy training (177)

North of Canifis

646,500380 Necromancy training (178) 125.4 Necromancy training (179)

Levels 50–60[edit | edit source]

At level 50, you can complete the Kili's Knowledge III task to craft a tier 50 death guard and skull lantern, requiring 6 total lesser ensouled bars. At level 52, you can control two conjures at once.

MonsterLocationNecromancy training (180)LevelNecromancy training (181)Life pointsNecromancy training (182)ExperienceNotes
Necromancy training (183)

North of Canifis

666,500380 Necromancy training (184) 125.4 Necromancy training (185)
Necromancy training (186)
Shadow warrior

Basem*nt of the Legends' Guild

657,800390 Necromancy training (187) 128.7 Necromancy training (188)
Necromancy training (190)

Bandit Camp (Kharidian Desert)

541,95097.5 Necromancy training (191) 32.1 Necromancy training (192)
  • Aggressive to any player wearing equipment or accessories aligned with either Saradomin or Zamorak.
  • With tier 50 equipment they can be fought indefinitely, and can be a good option for training for those wishing to train with little effort.
  • Drop herbs which can be noted with magic notepaper , placed in Herb bag or consumed with herbicide to gain some experience in Herblore.

Levels 60–70[edit | edit source]

At level 60, you unlock greater rituals. This is a good time to go back to the ritual site to complete greater communion rituals using spirit mementos. By placing two Multiply II glyphs (requires level 66, therefore you may have to keep drinking necromancy potions to place/repair the glyphs), you can obtain 43 souls per ritual. Spectral Scythe is an extremely powerful ability for levelling Necromancy; it can be unlocked at 2,000 souls, with further upgrades at 4,500 and 8,500 souls, requiring level 70 and 80 Necromancy respectively. To unlock the basic Spectral Scythe, you will need to do 38 greater communion rituals. It may be prudent to prepare an additional 58+93 greater communion rituals to make the most use of Spectral Scythe upgrades before level 90, where a faster method of obtaining souls would be made available. If you do not have it already, you should acquire the Underworld Grimoire 2, which provides a 6% increase to disturbance experience when worn. The grimoire also provides various benefits and free teleports to the ritual site and smithy. Another unlock which will help greatly is the deathwarden nexus, this acts similarly to a rune pouch. The nexus can hold a maximum stack (2,147,483,647) of each necrotic rune and ectoplasm. The nexus can be crafted in the soul forge with one ensouled bar, one silver bar, and one cut sapphire, and then attuned at the dark portal directly north-east of the smithy.

You can also complete the Kili's Knowledge IV task to craft a tier 60 death guard and skull lantern, requiring 6 total ensouled bars. At this level, the tier 60 deathwarden robe armour will outperform the hybrid Dragon Rider armour. Crafting it will require several more rituals, but this process can be sped up by using three Multiply II glyphs to double the output of lesser ensoul material rituals for the tiers below 60, if you haven't crafted those already.

MonsterLocationNecromancy training (193)LevelNecromancy training (194)Life pointsNecromancy training (195)ExperienceNotes
Necromancy training (196)
Armoured zombie

Chaos Temple Dungeon

866,200310 Necromancy training (197) 102.3 Necromancy training (198)Requires partial completion of Defender of Varrock in order to access.
Necromancy training (200)
Bound skeleton

Wilderness north of Fort Forinthry

7012,000600 Necromancy training (201) 198 Necromancy training (202)Highly recommended to capture souls and place in player-owned slayer dungeon
  • Might overwhelm players

Levels 70–80[edit | edit source]

To reach 4,500 souls, 58 more greater communion rituals are needed. Upon reaching 4,500 souls, unlock Spectral Scythe II. Along with Spectral Scythe, you will also need 3,000 souls in order to start The Spirit of War quest, which is required in order for the tier 70 upgrades. The tier 70 armour will outperform anima core of Sliske armour as well as any variant of the Slayer helmet.

At level 70, you have a choice on whether to continue the Deathwarden line, or branch into the Deathdealer line. Tier 70 Deathwarden armour, apart from increasing overall health total by 500, provides a 1% chance per piece to dodge an incoming attack. Deathdealer armour on the other hand, is the skill's power armour. This provides extra damage at the cost of survivability, as it will not provide the lifepoints bonus that Deathwarden provides. Deathdealer armour also has a set effect that provides a 1% chance to passively apply Death Mark onto an enemy, instantly killing it if it falls below 20% of its maximum health or 30,000 health, whichever is lower.

Regardless of your choice, you must first complete the quest The Spirit of War. After the quest, talk to Kili to choose your armour upgrade. The tank tasks are still the same as normal, while the power armour requires killing particularly strong bosses (for their levels). To craft tank armour, complete Kili's Knowledge V, requiring a kill of The Barrows Brothers and 100 dragon souls or 20 greater communion rituals. To craft power armour, complete Kili's Knowledge V (power), requiring 5 kills of the giant mole and 5 kills of the Kalphite Queen. As a component for power armour, you additionally need 5 hermodic plates, which are obtained as a 1/10 drop from Hermod, the Spirit of War.

Be sure to upgrade your weapons, requiring 8 ensouled bars and completion of either Kili task. You can also augment your equipment at level 70; the equipment will retain augmentation and perks when upgraded. See: optimal PvM perk setup. Strongly consider using the scavenging 4 perk for a chance at obtaining rare materials while training.

MonsterLocationNecromancy training (204)LevelNecromancy training (205)Life pointsNecromancy training (206)ExperienceNotes
Necromancy training (207)
Armoured zombie

Chaos Temple Dungeon

866,200310 Necromancy training (208) 102.3 Necromancy training (209)
Necromancy training (211)
Bound skeleton

Wilderness north of Fort Forinthry

7012,000600 Necromancy training (212) 198 Necromancy training (213)Highly recommended to capture souls and place in player-owned slayer dungeon
Necromancy training (215)
Abyssal demon988,500425 Necromancy training (216) 140.2 Necromancy training (217)
  • Necromancy training (219) 85 required
  • Can deal high damage to the player

Levels 80–90[edit | edit source]

To reach 8,500 souls, 93 more greater communion rituals are needed. Upon reaching 8,500 souls, unlock Spectral Scythe (Cast 3) and Darkness. The latter adds a 20% chance to dodge incoming attacks, which can be used to increase survival rates while training.

Complete Kili's Knowledge VI or Kili's Knowledge VI (power) depending on your armour path. The tank path will require players to kill the original God Wars Dungeon generals, then use the uncharged spiritbound hammer on each general's respective altar as soon as they die to charge it. 150 slayer souls or 30 greater communion rituals are also required for this task. The power path requires players to kill the Queen Black Dragon and Nex 5 times each; as Nex will be very daunting at such a point, it is recommended to find other players to assist in the task, as the required items will still drop as long as the player's damage was dealt via Necromancy.

Upgrade the weapons as soon as you can, but consider waiting to upgrade the armour until level 90. Upgrading now would cost approximately 38,778,933 but waiting until level 90 would allow using the full ritual site and Multiply III glyphs to reduce the cost to approximately 10,854,846.

MonsterLocationNecromancy training (220)LevelNecromancy training (221)Life pointsNecromancy training (222)ExperienceNotes
Necromancy training (223)
Armoured zombie

Chaos Temple Dungeon

866,200310 Necromancy training (224) 102.3 Necromancy training (225)
Necromancy training (227)
Bound skeleton

Wilderness north of Fort Forinthry

7012,000600 Necromancy training (228) 198 Necromancy training (229)Highly recommended to capture souls and place in player-owned slayer dungeon
Necromancy training (231)
Abyssal demon988,500425 Necromancy training (232) 140.2 Necromancy training (233)
  • Necromancy training (235) 85 required
Necromancy training (236)
Abyssal savage11115,000750 Necromancy training (237) 247.5 Necromancy training (238)
  • Necromancy training (240) 95 required

Levels 90–120[edit | edit source]

Upon reaching level 90, the fastest training method is to exclusively train via rituals (see next section). However, players who wish for a completely AFK training method may still want to train via combat. 30,000 souls is a requirement to start Alpha vs Omega (and access Rasial's boss fight) and 35,000 souls unlocks Split Soul and Conjure Undead Army, both of which are extremely useful against bosses.

Unlock the Sorrow curse from Selene, requiring 95 Prayer. If the player can afford a praesul codex, 95 Necromancy and 99 Prayer, unlock the Ruination curse. If you are using tank armour, you should now swap to power armour instead. Complete Kili's Knowledge VII (power), which requires killing several difficult bosses - this is much faster compared to the tank task. Deathdealer armour is the most efficient for training due to the increased frequency of applying Death Mark, even outperforming the T95 First Necromancer's equipment when fighting groups of enemies.

MonsterLocationNecromancy training (241)LevelNecromancy training (242)Life pointsNecromancy training (243)ExperienceNotes
Necromancy training (244)
Ravenous ghoul

Slayer Tower Mausoleum

10514,500725 Necromancy training (245) 239.2 Necromancy training (246)
  • Bad loot
Necromancy training (247)
Abyssal savage11115,000750 Necromancy training (248) 247.5 Necromancy training (249)
  • Necromancy training (251) 95 required
Necromancy training (252)
Abyssal beast

South of Lava Maze

11939,0001,950 Necromancy training (253) 643.5 Necromancy training (254)
  • Necromancy training (256) 105 required
  • High defence
Necromancy training (257)
Armoured phantom

Wilderness Crypt

15052,5002,625 Necromancy training (258) 866.2 Necromancy training (259)
  • Necromancy training (261) 113 required

High-level rituals (levels 90–120)[edit | edit source]

Necromancy training (262)

Upon reaching level 90 Necromancy, you are able to remove all dust blocking the ritual site, which allows rituals to reach their maximum potential. You will unlock powerful (tier 3) rituals, which yield the highest experience rates. At this stage, rituals will outperform combat, with the downside of being less AFK.

The bulk of the experience gained during a ritual comes from ritual disturbances. The experience earned from completing the actual ritual is only less than 10% of the total experience. Therefore, completing disturbances is required for this method. Experience is granted upon successful completion of a disturbance, and the experience gained by rituals increases as you level up. If you do not have it already, you should acquire the Underworld Grimoire 2, which provides a 6% increase to disturbance experience when worn.

The mechanics of soul attraction are very important. Soul attraction determines which types of ritual disturbances you get, with a higher attraction value yielding more and better disturbances. Soul attraction is affected by alteration glyphs; you should fill every empty glyph slot with an alteration glyph. Suggested alteration glyphs can be found in the tables below. Multiply glyphs will yield higher output, while Attraction will give higher soul attraction and experience.

At 301% soul attraction, the soul storm disturbance can spawn, which is the disturbance that yields the second-most experience. At 501% soul attraction, for powerful rituals only, the Defile disturbance can spawn, which yields the most experience.

Most players should focus on obtaining 35,000 souls so that Split Soul, the highest tier talent, can be unlocked from the talent tree. Once the desired amount of souls are acquired, the player should then swap to a more profitable ritual.

Ritual disturbance mechanics[edit | edit source]

  • Although the exact mechanics are not currently known, having a higher soul attraction will increase the player's chance of seeing higher tier disturbances. For example, a player with 550% Soul Attraction will see fewer Defile disturbances than a player with 700% Soul Attraction. For the absolute maximum experience, one should draw the maximum number of Attraction III glyphs, although this method may be costly for some players.
    • An alternative method of training exists at 610% soul attraction with 3 Attraction III glyphs and Speed II in your Necromancy cape. This eliminates the last 10 ritual ticks on a powerful ritual, leading to more events per hour and a ~2.5%[1] experience per hour increase over 700% Soul Attraction training. This method also requires the player to step off of the ritual platform at 1 ritual tick left when the last event spawns to prevent the ritual from ending and despawning the event.
  • Disturbances appear on a consistent schedule. Each disturbance will appear 12 ritual ticks after the previous one spawned, with the spawn time of the first depending on the ritual being completed. For example, when completing a Tier 3 ritual, disturbances will always spawn when the ritual timer shows 70, 58, 46, 34, 22, and 10.
  • At above 500% soul attraction, a ritual disturbance is guaranteed to appear on each eligible tick. Below 500% attraction, disturbances have a chance to appear on each tick.
  • When performing tier 3 rituals, if all glyphs are drawn at the same time and repaired only when depleted, they will all simultaneously deplete after 36 rituals have been performed.

Ritual training tips[edit | edit source]

  • There is a repair all option available on the pedestal in the centre, saving you time from repairing each tile.
  • On the Defile event, the purple smoke can be countered by clicking the miasma once (as soon as possible) after the player hears the smoke's sound. This results in a delay in siphoning that precisely avoids the time that the player would have been penalised.
  • As there are currently no experience boosting outfits for Necromancy, one can use silverhawk boots with the nimble outfit for Agility experience whilst doing rituals.
  • It is possible that disturbances can appear with a significant delay (and rarely not appear at all) on lower frame rates. If you experience this, try to lower your graphics settings.
  • Turning on your game audio can help to hear ritual disturbances.
  • Wandering ghosts and shambling horrors appear as a yellow dot on the minimap.
  • Leaving your camera fixed may help with wandering soul visibility.
  • Dive and Bladed Dive can be helpful for reaching disturbances quickly. Having either the Shadow's Grace active or having an augmented item with the Mobile perk equipped will allow diving more frequently.

Levels 90–99[edit | edit source]

Starting at level 90, you should use Necromancy boosts to draw tier III glyphs for maximum efficiency. To draw an Attraction III glyph at level 90, a +17 level boost is needed, which can be obtained with either a supreme or elder overload potion. If your level is above 90, it is cheaper to instead use a regular, super, or extreme necromancy potion depending on your level. To draw Multiply III, an extreme necromancy potion is sufficient at level 90. The following rituals are recommended:

RitualSuggested alteration glyphsInk/Ectoplasm costInputOutputProfit[l 1]Completion ExperienceNotes
Greater necroplasm


200 Necromancy training (265)Lesser necroplasm30,400405 Necromancy training (266)Greater necroplasm

28 Necromancy training (267)Ectoplasm

Output value: 207,640

  • Profitable training method. Below Necromancy training (268) 99, do not do another ritual if you want to remain profitable.
  • Since it is a greater ritual, you will not have access to the Defile disturbance.
  • Can replace Necromancy training (269)Speed II glyph with an additional Necromancy training (270)Multiply III for increased profit and lower experience.
Powerful communion


1 Necromancy training (272)Robust memento1,33760 Necromancy training (273)souls

15 Necromancy training (274)Ectoplasm

Ectoplasm value:


1 Necromancy training (277)Powerful memento18,028165 Necromancy training (278)souls

33 Necromancy training (279)Ectoplasm

Ectoplasm value:


Powerful necroplasm


200 Necromancy training (281)Greater necroplasm68,800105 Necromancy training (282)Powerful necroplasm

15 Necromancy training (283)Ectoplasm

Output value: 84,690

  • Cheapest method that gives near maximum experience rates.
Powerful essence


800 Necromancy training (285)Pure essence124,800300 Necromancy training (286)Impure essence

15 Necromancy training (287)Ectoplasm

Output value: 149,100

  • Requires Necromancy training (288) 95
  • Only recommended if you are seeking the absolute highest experience per hour.
  • The experience gained is less than 5% higher than other Powerful rituals, so it is recommended to do Powerful communion or Powerful necroplasm.
  1. ^ Successfully completing ritual disturbances rewards players with various items, some of which are worth a decent amount of coins. Due to the uncertain drop rates, the value of these items is not included into the following table. Therefore, the overall profit may be higher than expected.
  2. ^ Speed II is used instead of Speed III because Speed III will remove too much ritual progress, taking away a chance at a ritual disturbance. Speed II will remove progress without taking away a chance at a disturbance. Do not use more than 1 Speed II glyph.
  3. ^ a b c Not recommended to use Multiply glyphs due to low Defile frequency. If seeking a profitable method, do greater necroplasm instead.

Levels 99–120[edit | edit source]

At level 99, you can claim the Necromancy cape. This cape gives the effect of a single Alteration glyph for free. However, you must be the required level to draw the glyph without boosts. You should always put a tier III glyph in the cape whenever possible; if you do not have the required levels, you can use a tier II glyph instead.You should perform the following rituals:

RitualSuggested alteration glyphsInk/Ectoplasm costInputOutputProfit[h 1]Completion experienceNotes
Greater necroplasm


200 Necromancy training (291)Lesser necroplasm30,400465 Necromancy training (292)Greater necroplasm

32 Necromancy training (293)Ectoplasm

Output value: 238,040

  • Profitable training method. Consider also doing Powerful Necroplasm.
  • Since it is a greater ritual, you will not have access to the Defile disturbance.
  • Can replace Necromancy training (294)Speed II glyph with an additional Necromancy training (295)Multiply III for increased profit and lower experience.
Powerful communion


1 Necromancy training (298)Powerful memento18,028165 Necromancy training (299)souls

33 Necromancy training (300)Ectoplasm

Ectoplasm value:


  • This ritual is only recommended if you need additional souls. Otherwise, other rituals will be more profitable or offer higher experience.
  • Using robust mementos will save some GP, at the cost of fewer souls.
  • Before Necromancy training (301) 103, put Necromancy training (302)Attraction II in Necromancy cape in place of one Necromancy training (303)Multiply III.
Powerful necroplasm


200 Necromancy training (306)Greater necroplasm68,800105 Necromancy training (307)Powerful necroplasm

15 Necromancy training (308)Ectoplasm

Output value: 84,690

  • Using the first alteration glyph setup is the cheapest method that gives maximum experience rates.
  • Using 1 × Necromancy training (309) Multiply III results in lower experience but is profitable.
  • Using more than one Necromancy training (310)Multiply III yields worse experience rates than greater necroplasm.
165 Necromancy training (313)Powerful necroplasm

24 Necromancy training (314)Ectoplasm

Output value: 134,130

Powerful essence


800 Necromancy training (317)Pure essence124,800300 Necromancy training (318)Impure essence

15 Necromancy training (319)Ectoplasm

Output value: 149,100

  • Requires Necromancy training (320) 95
  • Only recommended if you are seeking the absolute highest experience per hour.
  • The experience gained is less than 5% higher than other Powerful rituals, so it is recommended to do Powerful communion or Powerful necroplasm.
  1. ^ Successfully completing ritual disturbances rewards players with various items, some of which are worth a decent amount of coins. Due to the uncertain drop rates, the value of these items is not included into the table. Therefore, the overall profit may be higher than expected.
  2. ^ a b Speed II is used instead of Speed III because Speed III will remove too much ritual progress, taking away a chance at a ritual disturbance. Speed II will remove progress without taking away a chance at a disturbance. Do not use more than 1 Speed II glyph.
  3. ^ Not recommended to use Multiply glyphs due to lower Defile frequency. If seeking a profitable method, consider other rituals instead.

Alternative methods of gaining experience[edit | edit source]

Quests that give Necromancy experience[edit | edit source]

Other requirements
Necromancy!Necromancy training (321)200
Rune MythosNecromancy training (322)1,50024 Necromancy training (323)
That Old Black MagicNecromancy training (324)45,00032 Necromancy training (325)

Full completion requires:

Vessel of the HarbingerNecromancy training (328)10,00046 Necromancy training (329)
Ancient AwakeningNecromancy training (331)15,00050 Necromancy training (332)
Housing of ParliamentNecromancy training (333)20,00054 Necromancy training (334)
Battle of ForinthryNecromancy training (335)30,00060 Necromancy training (336)
The Spirit of WarNecromancy training (337)45,00065 Necromancy training (338)
Tomes of the WarlockNecromancy training (339)60,00075 Necromancy training (340)
Requiem for a DragonNecromancy training (343)100,00075 Necromancy training (344)
Remains of the NecrolordNecromancy training (346)100,00085 Necromancy training (347)
Alpha vs OmegaNecromancy training (349)150,00095 Necromancy training (350)
  • 30,000 City of Um vessel souls

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ DrewenRS. Ritual Disturbances: the Data. Reddit. 20 August 2023. (Archived from the original on 12 September 2023.) DrewenRS: "Based on these numbers, if you're perfect, 610% would be ~2.5% better xp/hr than 700% due to the waiting time at the end."
Free-to-play guides
Members' guides
Necromancy training (2024)


Why is Necromancy forbidden? ›

Early and High Middle Age. Many medieval writers believed that actual resurrection required the assistance of God. They saw the practice of necromancy as conjuring demons who took the appearance of spirits. The practice became known explicitly as maleficium, and the Catholic Church condemned it.

What is the practice of Necromancy? ›

necromancy, communication with the dead, usually in order to obtain insight into the future or to accomplish some otherwise impossible task.

Is Necromancy a combat or ritual? ›

Necromancy is the game's fourth combat style and sits outside of the combat triangle, being equally effective against all three styles. Acquiring experience for the skill can be achieved through combat or its dedicated skilling activity: rituals.

Is Necromancy a 120 skill? ›

Harness the dark art of Necromancy to free the undead and together defeat The First Necromancer. Discover a non-elite 120 skill, free to play up to level 20.

Does God hate necromancy? ›

The Mosaic Law forbids necromancy (Leviticus 19:31; 20:6), declares that to seek the truth from the dead is abhorred by God (Deuteronomy 18:11, 12), and even makes it punishable by death (Leviticus 20:27; cf. 1 Samuel 28:9).

Is necromancy in the Bible? ›

Necromancy received an absolute ban in the Old Testament. Israel was not to consult "mediums" ( Lev 19:31 ) or they would risk being cut off from the covenant community ( Lev 20:6 ). Necromancers themselves should be put to death ( Lev 20:27 ).

What do necromancers fear? ›

Necromancers fear dying and will do anything to survive longer than their allotted time.

Who is the god of necromancy? ›

Velsharoon (pronounced VEL-shah-roon) is the Archmage and god of Necromancy. Velsharoon is a vain, selfish, petty, but very canny deity consumed with vengeance, obsessed with experimenting on living and dead beings, and unconcerned with the fates of lesser creatures.

Are necromancy spells evil? ›

Most people see necromancers as menacing, or even villainous, due to the close association with death. Not all necromancers are evil, but the forces they manipulate are considered taboo by many societies."

What is necromancy weak to? ›

May be Weak against Animancy and other Life-Based powers. Filth Manipulation may be used against this power.

What power is necromancy? ›

Necromancy, also called black magic, comes from the ancient Greek word for corpse necro and prophecy mancy. If you travel to the underworld to speak to the dead, then you have the power of necromancy, not to mention geomancy, the ability to read signs from the earth to find the necropolis, or city of the dead.

What are the methods of necromancy? ›

The actions performed by necromancers in their operations consisted above all of sacrifices and sympathetic rituals. Magicians offered spirits the blood of hens, hoopoes or bats, milk or honey sprinkled in the air, or ashes, salt or flour placed in jugs, among other products (fig. 6).

What classes can become Necromancers? ›

Which Classes Can Be Necromancers. The class (and subclass) capable of making the most out of this spell is the School of Necromancy wizard. While the ability to learn the spell is a nice feature for clerics, druids, and paladins, School of Necromancy wizards significantly improve the benefits of controlling undead.

What does Necromancy scale with? ›

Surprisingly, Necromancy damage counts as physical damage, like a melee sword attack, and scales with a high Warfare combat ability. This makes it the best combat ability to put points in, even over the Necromancer combat ability, for its sheer damage increase.

What is the difference between blood magic and Necromancy? ›

Blood Magic, or Hemomancy, is a subschool of Necromancy. Widely reviled for its disturbing uses and results, practitioners of Blood Magic are rare in Tolas, leading to a number of different techniques that exist independent of one another across the world.

Why is necromancy forbidden in The Witcher? ›

Necromancy is forbidden because of its invasive nature on the dead. The practice is banned by the Brotherhood of Sorcerers.

Why is necromancy frowned upon? ›

Necromancy has been viewed as “negative life,” with the concept of “life” being viewed as a sort of spectrum.

Why can't you look at a Necromancer? ›

The eyes of a necromancer appear to project a form of radiation that causes gruesome burns and swelling on exposed skin within the necromancer's visual field. A necromancer can also completely disintegrate a victim from a distance using a focused blast of sound, audible as a deafening shriek.

What is wrong with necromancy? ›

So, necromancy would be seen as risking the destruction of the souls - or, alternately, of imprisoning the souls, since an undead body may be able to preserve the souls' existence, but they cannot control the body, and thus would be effectively imprisoned.

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.